In a similar format of COIST, a three-day Workshop on 'Online Information Sources, Tools and Techniques' (WOIST) designed for M.L.I.Sc. students. The first batch was held from 15th to 17th February, 2016. Eighteen M.L.I.Sc. students of University of Mumbai (Vidyanagari Campus) were part of the workshop.
Workshop Contents:
1. WOIST, shall be held twice in a year for M.L.I.Sc. students of different universities.
2. Universities willing to send their M.L.I.Sc. students for the 2nd batch of WOIST may contact us.
3. Fees Rs. 500/- per student
In a similar format of COIST, a three-day Workshop on 'Online Information Sources, Tools and Techniques' (WOIST) designed for M.L.I.Sc. students. The first batch was held from 15th to 17th February, 2016. Eighteen M.L.I.Sc. students of University of Mumbai (Vidyanagari Campus) were part of the workshop.
Workshop Contents:
- Introduction to online information sources, tools and techniques
- Art & science of online literature search
- Online catalogues & Archives
- Invisible web
- Big data & Net Neutrality
- Machine translation
- Abstracting & indexing databases
- Open access databases
- Academic videos & presentations
- Google products
- Google Scholar & Academic Search
- Electronic thesis & dissertations
- Reference styles & online reference managers
- Online questionnaires
- MS-Excel
- Research data analysis (MegaStat)
- Citation analysis & impact factor
- Plagiarism detection softwares
- Building online presence
1. WOIST, shall be held twice in a year for M.L.I.Sc. students of different universities.
2. Universities willing to send their M.L.I.Sc. students for the 2nd batch of WOIST may contact us.
3. Fees Rs. 500/- per student